I am mostly doing this to encourage others to do the same! Look back over your puzzles and get reminded of stuff you're proud of making! Giggle when you remember how someone rolled their eyes so hard at a pun you made that you were afraid you'd never see their pupils again! And please, share your findings with us, the clue-loving public. (Relatedly, for a marvelously wide-ranging list of clues from 2022, check out Frisco's list here! It includes clues of various types from all over the map and by lots of different constructors.)
Here's my list, based on an admittedly hasty trip through my archives; answers are in white font, so select to view. Category 1: I'm punnin' See one's way out? : POPEMOBILE Must-have piece for an apparel launch? : TSHIRT CANNON Office mate? : WORK SPOUSE Arch observer of the classics : DANTE Parted company? : EXES Indication of high bone density? : X RATING They might get upset by feminist activism : GENDER NORMS Periodic backups? : LINERS Intimacy complex? : POLYCULE Look, Ma, a cellist! : YOYO Get ova here! : UTERI Small gas giant? : QATAR Category 2: I'm trollin' Renaissance man who put Descartes before Deshorse ... or something : RENE Meas. that dates back to when we had one utensil for every piece of furniture (see also chairfork) (citation needed) : TBSP Midwestern state where *yawns* *falls asleep* : IOWA Philip who died still mad that he hadn't won the Nobel Prize in Literature for a lifetime of reassuring lecherous pedants of their righteousness : ROTH "Sooo, are we going to do this, ___...?" : ORR Animals that are part zebra (the butt part) : OKAPIS Fuck it; it's the capital of Norway : OSLO Category 3: I'm explainin' Greek mythology Woman whose son had to behead a Gorgon to stop a lifetime of her being hounded by men : DANAE Island where Ariadne enabled Theseus to defeat the Minotaur and Theseus took all the credit : CRETE Ancient city home to Cassandra, the prophetess no one believed (relatable) : TROY
Holiday season! A time to be forced into head-on confrontation with your social anxiety AND your family issues. Thank goodness for puzzles :prayerhandsemojithatweeblyrefusestodisplay:
I nearly trashed this puzzle because I spent too long on it and started to hate it, so if you hate it, just know that YOU ARE NOT ORIGINAL. But I hope you don't!
fullscreen solve: link jpz and embedded puzzle below
why be coy? i got a form rejection on a themeless and am posting it unaltered from my submission. i hope you like it more than the editors did!
the title is "respectable themeless" because that was the placeholder i used while constructing it, to remind myself not to use entries that were "too far out of the mainstream" or "not appealing to a broad range of solvers." i listen to feedback! lol! fullscreen solve: link jpz and embedded puzzle: below
NOT A SINGLE BLOG PUZZLE IN AUGUST ?? though I did have puzzles elsewhere in the world. I've been trying to keep the "non-schmosswords crosswords" page up to date. I'm also now constructing and editing for Crossword Club, which publishes daily midi-sized puzzles that are easy but lively. The great Will Nediger is my co-editor, and in addition to the two of us, the constructor team includes Kelsey Dixon, Erica Hsiung Wojcik, and Quiara Vasquez - no skips! My favorites of my own crosswords there so far are the ones from 8/20, 8/28, and 9/1. Try out our puzzles, and send them to your parents, your friends who only do the NYT mini, etc.
I have a little trifle of a themed puzzle for you here today. I hope you enjoy!
I decided I wanted to post a deliberately difficult puzzle. It's hard to do well! (See below for documentary footage of me working on it.) Thanks to Alex for the test solve, Kelsey and will (explainer) and Will for clue inspo that they weren't warned about in advance, and Stella for her words of support. Good luck, have fun!
Taking a break from irreverent themelesses to post a special collab puzzle with my friend, and streaming solver of Crossweird fame, Dob Olino. The title of this crossword is Turtle Island, so it should be no spoiler to say it is a puzzle that seeks to highlight Native cultures of this continent. A couple of things should be said about this. Foremost among them: we are not Native. Our knowledge, what there is of it, comes from searching things out and reading, not from stories or family lore or being part of the shared history of a people. We in no way suggest that the contents of the puzzle are complete or perfectly representative, or that anything qualifies us in particular to be the authors of it, other than our interest in doing it. We do, however, hold ourselves responsible for ensuring that puzzle content relating to Native people(s) is not trivial or trivializing. We tried to write clues that were honoring or celebratory. We sought out information only from sources maintained by Native people and projects, whenever possible ensuring that at least two Native sources were in agreement on facts. We saw that it is fraught to rely on names that are derived from colonizer languages or translations, even though those are often used by nations in a formal sense, and endeavored specifically to highlight indigenous words and self-names in clues. Incidentally, we attempted to place nation names with rough geographical fidelity, but acknowledge that this succeeds at best partially. We're very grateful for resources such as Partnership with Native Americans (PWNA), Native-Land.ca, the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada, and dozens of websites dedicated to specific indigenous languages or maintained by individual nations themselves. We recognize that as a land acknowledgement, this is a small gesture, as many land acknowledgements are. But we hope that as a puzzle, this succeeds in honoring its subject. And, of course, we hope that you enjoy the solve! Click here to solve, or download .jpz file below.
I made a crossword puzzle. I hope you like it. I recommend solving in the applet because of images in the clues.
link to fullscreen solve; .jpz (no images) and embedded solve after the break.
It seems like every time I go into some sort of rage fugue, I emerge on the other side with a crossword grid. This weekend I was around a lot of inconsiderate behavior (not towards me) and it put me in a screamy headspace; this is the result. I hope you enjoy!
I don't wanna brag, but (*dusts off shoulders*) it's an Erik Agard co-production!!! You might know Erik from such works as "making brilliant puzzles" and "changing the crossword landscape enormously for the better." I'm also really grateful to Erik because he's a big reason I was able to find a mentor and am now able to BE a mentor. (Am I really qualified to be a mentor, you ask? Sorry, it would be unethical for me to reveal the names of my mentees for you to ask them)
Here's what Erik has to say: grateful i got to collaborate with kate, one of the best constructors and coolest people in crosswords. she's such a talented clue-writer that i was nervous about trying to keep up with her, but i had fun and i'm very happy with how it turned out. hope you enjoy! This puzzle has taken literally months to come together, which is definitely a product of us toiling away responsibly on it and definitely not a situation where we were both so busy that it lingered for ages in cluing purgatory. Enjoy the fruits of our unceasing labor! Many thanks to the wonderful Will Eisenberg for test solving!! |