Holiday season! A time to be forced into head-on confrontation with your social anxiety AND your family issues. Thank goodness for puzzles :prayerhandsemojithatweeblyrefusestodisplay:
11/27/2022 07:52:31 pm
Fun one, Kate!
12/7/2022 06:31:08 pm
I found out that you need a subscription to play the New york time crossword, so I googled 'Tee Hee, a wittle crossword puzzle just for me?" and this came up so I've been doing yours instead now.
12/21/2022 05:31:04 pm
omg - thank you!! (choosing to interpret this as a compliment lol)
12/17/2022 04:00:48 am
"Pieces of You" was the first CD I ever owned and I still sometimes sing that lyric in my head when I think about Anaïs Nin. Comments are closed.